Hi, I am Peter, living near Graz, Austria.
https://commons.wikimedia.org/ wiki/File:Humboldtstrasse18_OID_48889_1.jpg |
But it might be pretty exhausting to all the others not in perfect physical health. It is definitely a problem for elderly and physically impaired people.
With TreppenSchlepper we work on an open, safe and cost-efficient design for a device which accompanies people, and can carry loads up to 50kg up and down stairs.
Join this project by sending me an email: treppenschlepper@gmail.com !
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ File:Dominikaner_Treppe.JPG |
State of the Art:
there are quite a lot of approaches already out there - just google "stair climbing robots". You will find lots of hits, from rather complex solutions, to patents like this, to actually pretty interesting designs like the stairbot, or another design from UoMinnesota.
Maybe more mature solutions like the Treppenlift are available as well, but require quite some installation work and investments in the building.
In contrast, TreppenSchlepper aims for a design which is
- open (everybody can build, use and improve it for free). Products can be built and sold if you want. It is under CCBY 4.0 license.
- ridged, safe and cost efficient
- can actually lift heavy loads (our current goal: 50 kg)
- able to move along irregular stairs of any type (often the case in old city buildings, and might include e.g. spiral chairs)
- fully autonomous
- battery powered, able to go up and down docents of floors during the day, recharge at night
The name of the project, "TreppenSchlepper" comes from Treppen (stairs, pl.) and Schlepper (a tug boat) in German.
So far we have a first concept and a mock-up prototype.
Please join project TreppenSchlepper and contribute your expertise on mechanical, SW and HW engineering!
For details, see the next Blog entry...
Join this project by sending me an email: treppenschlepper@gmail.com !